No compromise in quality assurance.
Quality assurance has always been the first priority in our business. Year after year we managed to adopt as well as develop systems and processes that are able to meet our customers’ demanding requirements worldwide.
“STOHOS”, whose ultimate aim is to offer quality products and services to its clients, has placed increased emphasis on food safety, fast and accurate customer service and computerization at all levels. Following the procedures of BRC & IFS systems, which are known for their high requirements, as well as being in consultation with the competent authorities, we have managed to offer safe foodstuffs to our customers.
Only some of the critical points that we check in order to offer quality products and services are the following:
CERTIFIED SUPPLIERS: We choose to work with suppliers who are certified by respective (BRC or IFS) systems.
FACILITIES CHECKS: We make sure that we visit and check our suppliers’ facilities once a year.
MEAT SELECTION: We select specific breeds that are more efficient and are known worldwide for their taste.
MICROBIOLOGICAL TESTS: In accordance with the system and the analyses annual planning, every month we carry out microbiological tests on any raw material that we receive.
IMMEDIATE: We have made agreements with transportation companies which rush to the loading points.
TEMPERATURES: With the use of a satellite system we check the transfer temperatures of our goods and raw ingredients.
Receipt & Storage
TEMPERATURES: We check the temperatures of our goods and raw ingredients with a satellite system both at the time of receipt and during the entire route.
FIFO & TRACEABILITY: Upon every receipt we input the products entering our warehouses into the “RECEIPT” traceability system and we create its label. Based on FI.FO. storage system, which is certified with the aid of traceability system, goods and raw ingredients are transferred to the next stages.
FACILITIES: Our company operates in the most modern food storage facilities.
TRACEABILITY: With the aid of “PRODUCTION” traceability system , which is based on “on spot info” concept, we are able to know the identity of the products and the conditions under which every single kilogram of our produced goods is created.
TEMPERATURES: 1684 temperature tests are conducted in 24 hours at various stages of production and storage at half-finished and finished products.
METAL DETECTION: We check every kilogram of produced product for the absence of metal objects and every 20 minutes we certify the proper functioning of each of the metal detectors in our production lines.
MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES: About 1251 microbiological tests are conducted on every production line every year to ensure the quality of the food offered.
Production & Storage
VEHICLES: We constantly renew and enrich our fleet of vehicles to which a satellite chamber temperature control system has been installed in order to maintain temperature chain during the distribution of our goods. In addition, we carry out strict maintenance and cleaning programs for each vehicle to ensure proper distribution of our products.
TRACEABILITY: With the aid of traceability system “DISPOSAL” subsystem, we are able to know within minutes of the production batch codes received by every customer in every one of their order.
DEVELOPMENT: A 12-member-group of salespeople is constantly trained in new cooking techniques and preparation of our products in order to be able to participate in the creation of the catalogues of our customers.